Apprenticeship sign-ups on **September 10th, from 9 AM to Noon**

Health Fair
Saturday September 28th 2024

Union Meeting Update
Monthly membership meetings have resumed at the Local Union Hall at 115 Alden Road Fairhaven, MA 02749.
The monthly meetings are held the 1st Monday of every month at 7:00pm
The New England Laborers’ Training is now offering OSHA-30 Training online. Please contact the Local 385 office if you have not completed this training requirement.
Infectious Disease Awareness Training
Please download the LIUNA Training Infectious Disease App and take the training
The LIUNA Training Infectious Disease App provides instant access to the latest news, information and training to deal with COVID-19 as well as other Infectious Diseases. Follow the instructions provided (they have options for both Android and iOS phones) and download the app for COVID-19 to start taking this very essential course. Get certified online and you will receive a certificate upon completion of the course
This app includes:
- Online Infectious Disease Awareness Course
- COVID-19 News from the CDC, NIH and the Laborers’ Health and Safety Fund
- Standard and Advanced Precautions
- Transmission Routes and Decontamination
- Personal Protective Equipment
- FAQ’s
- Training Videos and More

MLBF now has mobile updates by TEXT!
To opt in, text the word BENEFIT to 844-611-2435 with your NAME and EMAIL.
Get Involved
Our programs are here for you
Welcome to Cigna
Our History Is Our Commitment
LiUNA has fought for workers for over a hundred years

Hundreds of Laborers Local Unions existed across North America at the turn of the century but they were not organized for effective power. But in 1903, Samuel Gompers, President of the American Federation of Labor, sent out a convention call to independent local Laborers’ Unions, urging them to join together and establish an international union of construction laborers.

In the 21st century LIUNA has led the way for trade unions in its commitment to growth and member activism. We have made a historic commitment to help more workers join the union with the passage of resolutions that raise more than $100 million a year for organizing — more than any construction union and more than virtually any union in North America.

Follow us to stay up-to-date on all of our latest news!